Siquijor The Travel Guide is a complete travel guide to one of the Philippines most beautiful islands! Filled with information on where to stay, where to eat and which waterfall you must see!
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🛵 Getting from the port to your Accommodation
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Getting to Siquijor 🛥️
Siquijor is an island located off the South of Cebu, to the East of Dumaguete. The best way to get there is a ferry from Dumaguete port. We got a Ceres bus from Moalboal to the Liloan port which takes you to Sibulan port (see image below for a map of all of these ports). From Sibulan port you can get a tricycle for 100 peso to Dumaguete Port. This picture makes it a lot easier to visualise
Once you are at Dumaguete the you will need to get a ferry over to Siquijor. The fastest and most popular ferry is the Ocean Jet. There is another ferry called Montenegro which takes 2 hours and takes you to a different port in Siquijor which is slightly further away from the main town but it’s not the end of the world. We had to get the Montenegro ferry as the Ocean Jet ferry had all sold out. Aleson boats also run during the week but these are much smaller and I wouldn’t chance it. There is also a small terminal fee which will cost you 15 peso.
Which ferry to get to Siquijor ⛴️
Ocean Jet Ferry
Quickest and most popular. Holds 300 people, arrives at Siquijor main port.
Montenegro Ferry
170 peso, 2 hours, holds 300 people, arrives at Lorena Port and Siqujior, so check which one you have booked.
Aleson Ferry
Only during the week, unsafe, holds around 20 people.
Get to the port as early as you can as we arrived at 12 there was only 1 ferry left with limited tickets!!! The whole process of purchasing tickets took us a total of 4 hours. We had to wait an hour for the ticket office to begin selling tickets again, we then waited another hour in the queue and then travelled 2 hours on the ferry.
Give your self enough time to travel. You may be able to buy tickets online but with the limited WiFi in the Philippines we wouldn’t have a clue.
Secret Ocean Jet office
Failing that, there is an Ocean Jet office around the corner which we did not realise until a kind taxi driver showed us a few days later.

The left red dot is the hidden Ocean Jet Office
Getting from the port to your accommodation 🛵
We suggest renting a moped from the port, so when it comes to returning it, you can return it at the port and jump back on the ferry to continue your travels. Mopeds are around 350 peso for the day and if you are not confident then make sure you get an automatic bike. A full tank of petrol is around 150 peso, the petrol stations are small shacks with huge coke glasses filled with red or green liquid. This is the petrol, get the person there to check if you need red or green.
Accommodation in Siquijor 🏠
Tori’s paradise and Toris paradise backpackers are two separate places.
We stayed at Tori’s paradise which has its own beach and pool and with dorms from £6 you can’t go wrong.
With the island being very chilled and relaxed, what better place to chill by the spool or in the sea than here. The backpackers are more wooden shacks on the beach.
Coco Grove Resort
This is luxury living! It can be argued that this is the best hotel on the resort and its easy to see why in the picture below.
Things to do in Siqujior 💦
With all the waterfalls on Siquijor, there is a parking fee of anything between 10-50 peso. The ‘volunteers’ will also insist you have a guide but most places you don’t need one. They will ask for a tip at the end so make sure to have small change. That or you can just say you have been there before and they will leave you alone. At one of the waterfalls the guides are kids and it felt very forced we didn’t feel comfortable being there. We don’t mind paying a volunteer tip if they are worth it..we are backpackers after all.
The famous Cambugahay Falls 💦
Each rope swing is at different levels and cost 50 peso for each one with unlimited jumps as well as a bamboo raft you can pay to use. You can find a good spot and go for a swim but this place gets super super busy so make it one of the first places you go if you’re setting off early to get the Instagram shot. This places also has about 200 steps to get down to the waterfall so purchase water for the hike back up.
Lugnason Falls 💦
This was by far the best waterfall as it was completely empty when we got here early. This place has a huge free rope swing into the pool underneath.We didn’t have a guide but it does actually help to have on here as they show you where is safe to jump and help you climb up the waterfall to jump off the top. They also become your biggest fan if you’re scared about jumping and It’s also kinda cool to watch them all do the most incredible backflips here .
Lagaan Falls 💦
50 peso to enter, 20peso parking there is a smaller swing here with places to slide off and climb up. Not as exciting as the others & most expensive to access.
Mt Malabahoc
This is a beautiful drive of you’re confident on a moped. Just stick it in maps and drive up there. We did manage to find a look out up here too.
Cantabon Cave
Salagdoong beach💦
We think you have to pay a small fee to jump from the cliff edge here.
Paliton beach 💦
Kagusuan Beach
Firefly sanctuary- in Hambilica resort ( search it on maps.me) you can pay a small fee and go check them out.
Places to Eat in Siquijor 🍔
Monkey Business
I loved this place, it has such a cool vibe and a beautiful interior and In the middle of the main town which is surrounded with local tin shacks is this place that stands out. It gets crazy busy for dinner as there isn’t much in the way of nightlife on Siquijor. It shuts at 11:30pm but it has live music and great fruit shakes. Try the spicy spring roll challenge for free beer.
Craving English coffee or food? Take the short drive here. The English owner is so friendly and has some amazing stories and photos of famous people he has met. Well worth it for the chat.
El Monte
Located in Lazi this place is super cheap and had the best WiFi I have come across on the whole island
Twenty 4 Burger
Also in Lazi, it’s trip advisors number 2 place to eat in the whole of Siquijor.
Bahar Bar
By far the best place to have dinner, sit downstairs and eat by candle light with a beautiful singer. Upstairs has a drinking game where every time you order they put a tick by what nationality you are. You can do your country proud by destroying your liver.
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