We started our road trip leaving Jindabyne and heading towards the coast for a NSW mini road trip, our first stop was Bega! Me and Olly were saying ‘Beggar’ but we soon learnt it is pronounced Bee-ga. We drove from the Snowy Mountains and straight through the flattest land we have ever seen. Eventually we came to a mountain we had to drive through and stopped at this beautiful look-out at the top. The views speak for themselves.

This lookout was a memorial to a bus driver who drove this route for 26 years. He passed away while shovelling snow off his front garden.

As we now had 3 weeks until we head back to the mountains, we have to be careful with money. We were hoping to find some cash in hand work along the road trip. But as its winter not many places were looking to hire people. This meant saving as much as we could but still enjoying our time on the road.
We researched places to stay and found the cheapest place, a caravan park in the town of Bega. This little town had a lot to offer us in things to see and do. We drove around to Tathra and explored the beaches there.

The best thing about travelling with Olly is we both love photography. A day exploring taking photos and drinking coffee is enough for us. Not to mention it only costs us $8 for the whole day. We walked around exploring all the lookouts we could find, driving through the national parks and walking through amazing forests.

We spent a few days in Bega to plan the next part of our road trip. Our goal was to cut costs as much as possible as we were not earning while being on the road.
The biggest outgoing for us was accommodation. This meant we had to take a trip to Kmart to buy a blow up mattress. Sleeping in our beaten up wagon was always in the back of our minds, just a lot later in the year. When it wasn’t winter! We bought all kinds of camping gear and Olly was very excited, me on the other hand, not to much!

We left Bega and headed to Biamanga national park close by which we could camp in for free. Camping laws are very complex and annoying at times but we found a spot, looking out over the sea. We got to our camping spot only to find out its illegal to burn wood. With the threat of a $3000 fine if caught, we wasn’t taking any chances. We had literally just unpacked and blown up the bed in the back of the car, so I offered to stay put. Olly drove half an hour away to buy some wood while I sat on the beach. I watched Netflix and a baby wallaby came to join me. He followed me from the beach back to the camp and pretty much spent the whole time with us.

This spot was beautiful but as it was right on the beach it was extremely windy! Olly returned and we got a fire going and attempted to cook dinner on an open fire. This was the first test, to see if we could do this for the next few weeks. This night was by far the coldest I have ever experienced in my life. It was so cold I nearly cried at how much I was hating it. This first night camping taught us a lot.

We knew for the next night it would be better to have everything ready. Thermals, cooking equipment and portable chargers all to hand. The next morning when we woke up we herd someone on the beach shout ‘whales’. We opened the boot and jumped out taking the drone with us. The whales were so far out but we sent the drone out anyway and it was worth it. The pictures and videos we got of this family of whales made the whole night worth it.

Mystery Bay
Our next night camping proved to be 100000% better. We drove to Mystery bay and this camp site was huge. We drove right to the top of the camp site which was like a peninsula with huge cliffs at the end. The site was guarded from the wind due to the amount of trees surrounding it. Olly found a huge log to sit on, which was already so much more comfortable than sitting on the damp ground the night before. Then we set up our camp, making a stove and organising our bed and belongings before it got dark.
We also spent an hour gathering wood to keep the fire going. As I have never camped before I had no idea how much upkeep a fire needs! It really takes all your energy to keep warm! This night was so much better and we bought marshmallows and chocolate to have round the fire. Once we were wrapped up warm in our sleeping bags we got into bed and watched a film on my IPad, perfect!
Day three
Day three of our road trip we headed north along the coast to the beautiful town of Narooma. Although this site was quite exposed as it was basically on the beach, it was a small sacrifice for everything else that came with it. Not only was it the cheapest campsite we could find, but it came with fire pits, changing rooms, toilets inside and warm showers! This small aspect of your life you take for granted, such as being able to pee indoors, or actually have a fresh water shower. It really makes you appreciate everything a lot more.
We explored Narooma taking photos along the way. We even managed to spot some Seals along the harbour wall.

We were saving money and having fun which was what we wanted to do on this road trip. Sleeping in our car, which did I mention didn’t have a roof lining? This is due to the previous owners ripping it, again something you take for granted. Every time you climb in or out of the car, you are greeted with a hair full of itchy foam. Additionally being freezing every night and cooking easy and simple food over a fire was taking its toll. We treated our selves to fish and chips which we ate in front of our fire. It was so worth it and so nice not to have to spend hours making dinner.

Stay tunned for Part 2 !

wouw… what an adventure and experience. I personally do not like camping but if we are going to travel the world for the rest of our life in a couple of years time, we might have to do it:) Agree, hotels is very expensive especially if no income coming.
I didn’t either but when you’re with the right person, it just feels better !!
ha..ha.. so true:)