Me Olly, Snoop and Annie decided that the time on the farm was coming to an end and we were going to leave the safety of the familiar and all go to Melbourne together.
Shona was a very hard goodbye!
The only problem was we were pretty much all poor, didn’t have a car and wanted to do some sight seeing on the way down. So we all decided a road trip would be a great idea! We decided we wanted to do the Blue Mountains between Sydney and Melbourne but not before, popping into Sydney to see our friend Daisy who left he farm a few weeks before. Olly and Snoop pretty much planned that we would get a relocation car from Brisbane to Melbourne. A relocation car is basically a camper van that is in one city that needs to be in a different city by a certain date, which was perfect for us as it was free! We just had to pay for petrol. We sat by for days waiting for the right car to come along as it had to be from Brisbane going to Melbourne and we were running out of time before Snoop had to fly home. One finally came about, which resulted in me and Olly getting the train to Brisbane, staying a night there and picking the car up in the morning while the girls got the train to Sydney to go and see Daisy.
This worked out perfect as me and Olly got to see our old Nomads Manager at the hostel and the girls got to go out in Sydney. We managed to stop along the drive at Coffs Harbour very last minute to see Henry, Robbie, Jake and Alex who left our farm to go to a different one.
We set back on the road and managed the catch up to Matt and Jonny who were driving down from Cairns to Melbourne, at our first campsite. We then set off to Sydney but unfortunately as this was the first time I had to put my huge rucksack on my back after my surgery I some how managed to do some damage and we ended up back in Hospital in Sydney just to check things over. If I’ve learnt anything travelling it’s you must listen to your body!
Everything was fine and it was just a rip where my stitches were so just weekly visits to a doctor which is something I’m used to.
We eventually got to Daisy’s amazing flat and caught up with more farm family! But had to get back on the road again to head to the campsite near the Blue Mountains. But fortunately Daisy and Steve from the farm managed to drive up early the next day to explore the Blue Mountain with us!
The Three Sisters
Went worth falls
On the way from the Blue Mountains to Melbourne Snoop and Annie each took it in turns to drive which was hilarious because it was like driving a tank! Thankfully I was too young to drive so I left it to the oldies to get us there safely haha. We took the scenic route and drove through tiny towns with beautiful views and some bad ones ..
but it was hilarious having to pull over and have us all guard the person peeing as there were no stops for miles!
We had such a good time on this road trip with mine and Olly’s children. Snoop and Annie have such contagious laugh’s this trip was amazing! Apart from the Monstrosity of a camper van decided to break, slide out on the motor way and nearly kill anyone involved. The screws on the side of the slider, which came out once plugged into a mains power system, had come loose and a fuse had blown which resulted in a few near deaths. Thankful me and Olly complained to the company that yano our friends nearly died and they refunded us some petrol money which was all good !! Now we are in Melbourne and heading to Olly’s family friends house to rest and get our selves ready for the next part of our trip, which starts again in the morning.