We have landed in Puerto Princesa!!
This is our third week in the Philippines and this was only our second flight, which I’m very impressed by. Last year I (Milly) did 9 flights within 2 weeks in the Philippines to get around as there are so many islands to visit. We arrived at the airport and boy has it changed since I have last been here. I didn’t recognise anything!
Getting from The Airport to Port Barton
We found a tour company who would take us to Port Barton in a van with a few other people. We got to the van and there were already 12 people squished inside, plus bags. Jumping in first, I got the seat near the front and push Olly into the back where the bags go, not enough room for a human. Already I was in a bad mood as I wanted to sit next to Olly for this 3 hour drive and the journey is not pleasant. I knew this drive was bad but I clearly had chosen to forget how bad it was.
About half an hour in Olly shouts for me and I turn around and he’s saying he needs to get out. I turn back around as I was thinking he’s joking but then he shouts to me again ‘Milly I need to get out’. As soon as I saw his face I knew he wasn’t joking. I signalled to the driver to pull over and call us a private car. Olly gets travel sickness normally but being cramped in the back wasn’t making it better. Not to mention he had no way of seeing where we are going, no air con, 13 other people and bad roads. It was a recipe for disaster. As soon as we pull over another couple get out and ask if we can split the private car with them as they didn’t feel well either.
It’s situations like this I don’t care how much money things are, as long as Olly felt OK that was my main concern. We all jumped in another car, just the four of us and we all fell asleep within half an hour.
Port Barton Village
I had herd Port Barton was a beautiful fishing village which broke up the journey to El Nido. I also herd there wasn’t much here but I didn’t really think too much in to it. If I have learnt anything from being in the Philippines, it is to not expect anything. We arrived at our accommodation which were 3 rooms in the middle of nowhere. We are told that there is only electricity from 5:30 till midnight and that goes for the whole town. If we want to sleep we have to make sure we fall asleep before midnight so we don’t notice the fan going off. HAHA..THIS..IS..GREAT.
This is also the first time I haven’t even looked at what Olly is booking and he’s booked us here for 4 nights. Our first evening we took a stroll into the main street and got something to eat but we were pretty tired so we headed back to make the most of the fan. I have said to Olly on this trip, I need to get back into the backpacker head space and I need to not be such a princess but this place has me waking up sitting straight up and screaming. I am either screaming because there is a millipede on me or a mango from the tree outside and has fallen and hit our tin roof. The mangos makes it sound like someone has fallen through the ceiling in the bathroom.
Yes I did make Olly check if there was someone in the bathroom on the first night and no I do not feel stupid.
Second Day
Our second day in Port Barton was much better. We had arranged with the couple we have travelled here with, Sasha and Simon, that we would rent a private boat and do an island hopping tour. We all met on the beach and jumped on our boat and headed to the first snorkel spot. The water was so clear!! Oh my goodness it was incredible! As I am the biggest wimp known to man I still make Olly hold my hand, just incase I see a shark and he pointed out all the clown fish! I have always wanted to see a bright orange clown fish and I finally saw an adult one!! It was amazing!
We headed off to German Island which was just out of this world, we saw the biggest turtle which literally turned and posed for me and I reckon it was bigger than Olly is tall. As we were on a private tour we asked our driver to take us to the spots where the tourists weren’t. WOW did he pull through! He took us to his friends island who let us visit and there was no one there. The crew started to cook our lunch which was fish and veg whilst we took photos. Naturally Olly’s drone caught the attention of the locals and some kids ran over to come and play with us.
Lunch Time!
Blood, sweat and tears. Literally
An afternoon of more snorkelling and swimming was just what we needed. We then went onto dropping Sasha and Simon back off at their accommodation. On the way back to our place we stopped at the sandbar to take some drone shots while it was empty. At this point me and Olly had drank some beers and were tired. Olly starts to land the drone and shouts ‘ catch it’ to which I panicked. ‘What do you mean catch it! No I DONT want to’. He ignore this and keeps telling me to catch it so I put my hand up. Right as I am about to grab it he shouts ‘ turn it over’….WHAT! Its so strong I cant turn it over, its naturally trying to take off again and me being an idiot start to bring my other hand up to help bring it down.
This was a bad idea!
My fingers met the drone blades while they were full power, I didn’t even feel a thing. I brought my hand down and was so worried I broke the drone I didn’t even look at my hand. I handed the drone to Olly and turned around. At this point my driver has run over shouting and 4 of his friends are also running over. I looked down and see my whole hand covered in blood dripping on the sand. I couldn’t even see what had happened and I was still trying to see if the drone was OK.
The Filipino’s brought a first aid kit over and kept trying to get me to sit down. At that point I got extremely dizzy and had to squat as I didn’t want to sit in the sand. I turn to look at my hand and I still cant feel any thing but I can see a lot of blood. They wrap me all up and we get back on the boat. It isn’t until we are right about to dock I burst into tears as suddenly the adrenaline wares off and all I can feel is so much pain in my fingers. I am crying my eyes out and all I can do is hold my hand up to stop the bleeding. Olly tries to do anything he can to calm me down, which involved chips and a milkshake and him telling me to breathe. The pain was unbearable and all I could think was, what an idiot I was. Why did I bring my other hand up!! I hurt two fingers and I wouldn’t even let Olly clean them as it hurt so much.
Worth this shot though !
Recovery Time
The next day called for some much needed rest and a lazy day on the beach. That is exactly why we came here! I just had to slice my fingers open to get it! A day topping up our tans, drinking on the beach and chilling. Olly and I managed to explore more of Port Barton by just walking around. We didn’t want to get a moped as this was the time we set to relax and not do much!
Not having wifi for a few days was really nice and refreshing. I know how lucky I am anyway to have Olly in my life. I have always known that. But these few days put it all into perspective. . He lets me watch Drag Race, he calms me down when theres a bug on me and he investigates the mango intruder. I am so lucky to have him in my life. Not only are we 99% of the time on the same page, but he is all I need to make me happy or cheer me up. In what ever situation he is there and its times like this which make you really appreciate that. This is what makes me want to hold on to him even tighter than I do.