All The Gear Yet Know Idea
This post is an insight into what camera equipment is in our bags. It covers everything we use to take photos, to items we use to stay organised. Hopefully this will help you start your own journey!
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Camera Bag
Manfrotto Bumblebee 220L light camera backpack
Probably the most important part of our Camera Equipment is our camera bag. This bag is big but it fits in every single piece of equipment we use, as well as keeping it safe. This bag has been on hikes, scaled walls and waterfalls. It is one tough cookie.
Panasonic G80 with kit lens 12-60mm
This camera with the kit lens is great for a beginner who is looking to practise and develop their camera skills. With a flip out screen which allows you to see what you’re shooting at any angle and a water-resistant body, which allows you to shoot some of the best waterfalls in the world. If video is more your thing then this camera can shoot up to 60fps at 1080p for that smooth slow motion or 30fps at 4K.
If you are on a budget then this lens is another great purchase. At a lower aperture than the kit lens it allows your camera to shoot better in low light and also get those beautiful portrait shots with the blurred back ground.
Camera Accessories
ND filters
For long exposure shots or for the days we are shooting on the brightest days, we use our ND filter. It screws onto our lens and can be altered according to the situation. It is one of the best things we brought as we have so much more control over our images when its very sunny. Essentiall this filter acts as sunglasses for your camera. We also have a Step Down adaptor so we can screw it onto other lens of different sizes.
SD Cards
Just like the batteries we don’t want to be running out of space once we get a little carried away taking so many shots. We would highly recommend spending a little extra money and buying cards with a quicker write speed especially if you are going to be shooting videos in 4K or taking lots of images in quick succession.
Spare Batteries
The last thing you want is to be out in the middle of nowhere getting some amazing shots and BOOM your batteries dead. We always travel with another two spare batteries for all our equipment so we never miss a shot.
The third person in any ‘Travel Couples’ relationship is the tripod. I don’t know what we would do without ours as we use it to take every photo. We set our camera on timer and run into the shot. It often stops people walking into our shots which is quite useful.
Go Pro
For all our underwater shots we use our GoPro. We are often blown away with the video quality it can produce. We are so glad we got this one as we compared other versions and decided this one had everything we wanted.
DJI Mavic Pro
This is the drone we use pretty much every day. We understand there are smaller models but due to the advantages over the smaller ones (SPARK and the AIR ), we put up with carrying around the bigger one.
Being slightly bigger than the other two means the battery is bigger, which means a longer flight time. Not only that it means you can fly the Mavic higher and further. The other advantage of having a slightly bigger drone is that it will handle better in the high winds. This gives you a better chance of getting those perfect focused shots. Your final choice will predominatly come down to how much room you have in your bag and how much weight you want to carry. All three drones are great but for someone looking for a slightly high spec of drone the Mavic is the one.
Drone Accessories
ND Filters
Just like for our camera, we have ND filters for our drone. These filters eliminate the water reflection off the sea and they help us get better exposure on our images. We use them every day as and couldn’t imagine not using them in our Camera Equipment.
SD Cards + Spare Batteries
Similar to our camera, we always have spare Batteries and Micro SD Cards. The drones take micro SD cards so unfortunately you can’t switch them from your camera.
Camera Equipment summary
The above camera equipment we selected based on what we needed it for, the quality and for the best price. You can easily spend thousands of pounds of camera equipment but before you do ask your self a few simple questions.
Where, what and when am I going to shoot. These questions will really help you decide on the level of equipment you really need.
This is really down to personal preference as to which sort of laptop you use to edit your images and videos. We both love Apple Macs and believe they are by far the easiest devices to use when it comes to picture and video editing. It helps we both have iPhones so everything nicely syncs together.
Apple 15” MacBook Pro
This laptop has a lot of RAM so it is quicker at performing tasks. This is especially important when editing videos as low RAM will lead to major lagging. The screen size also is ideal for creating promotions and editing images for our blog.
MacBook Air
Slightly smaller member to our Camera Equipment is our MacBook Air. This laptop is so light weight it comes everywhere with us. We use it mainly for writing blogs as its size is ideal for blogging on the go. This fits in Milly’s handbag and doesn’t leave her side.
Being digital nomads, we need to be organised. These items help us stay charged and organised on the go each day. These items are in Milly’s bag as she is the organised one. Her bag is an average sized backpack we picked up for hand luggage.
Portable Chargers
We have two large portable chargers so it gives us enough for a few charges throughout the day. We also have a snapwireless charger which can charge everything we own without having any extra cables as they are all built in.
External Hard Drives
Our biggest fear is loosing a memory card so we back everything up. All of our pictures mean the world to us so we keep them as safe as we would our passport.
This is Milly’s personal favourite item in her bag. This wallet holds both passports, long enough or boarding passes, currency and cards. She also keeps her phone inside with a pack of chewing gum for the plane. This is the only thing she needs in her hand when we travel as everything is in one place. It is perfect as we don’t have to keep going into our hand luggage while at airports.
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Note Book
Call Milly old fashion but she would much rather write everything down. It is the most organised note book/diary I’ve ever seen and she has records of everything from where we are staying to flight numbers. Sometimes it Is easier to look back on for blogs, when we can physically see what we did that day or how much it cost. Its also a great remind when we look back through it to see what we have accomplished.
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