Miss Quinn

Miss Quinn

...friends I’ve ever had. She’s seen me at my best, at my worst, just after surgery, just after I’ve woken up from a heavy night, hot and fustrated (I will... View Post
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...Thankfully Jess had made plans with Ollie and Callan before she even knew I was coming home so they got it next. Ollie tried to walk straight passed me and... View Post
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Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai

...was the best day of my life and before anyone comments on the get up I had to wear, they made us wear aladins hand me downs as the elephants... View Post
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Koh Samui

Koh Samui

...beach and seemed to be the only ones in the hotel. I tried green Thai curry for the first time and Christ Alive it was hot !!! The next day... View Post
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